

Does Douglas' plan stand a chance amidst feud?


A big announcement is coming from embattled State Superintendent Diane Douglas on Thursday.

She’s expected to unveil her plan to fix Arizona’s education system.

At least one person who's been in her shoes before says her plan doesn't stand a chance if she can't make nice with at least some of the State Education Board members.

Tom Horne held the job of State Superintendent for eight years.

Though he’s no stranger to controversy himself, he says he can't believe the drama unfolding right now.

Horne says disagreements will happen, but part of the job is playing politics.

"I always viewed it as a partnership and I spent a lot of time wooing individual board members, taking them to lunch, getting to know them on an individual level," said Horne.

Until both sides can work in tandem, Horne says Douglas will have a hard time moving her agenda forward and ultimately schools could suffer.

"If you don't have a good relationship with the board, you can't achieve anything significant in the way of policy changes."

Douglas’s unveiling of the "Kids Can't Afford to Wait!" plan to improve education happens at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at the Phoenix Art Museum.