

Banner breaking ground on new emergency room


Banner University Medical Center is breaking ground on their newest department in Phoenix, slated to open in July 2017.

The emergency department estimates that it will treat an additional 20,000 people each year with 60 private rooms and 40 observation beds.

While designing the 106,400 square-foot facility, Banner's development and construction team researched the most effective layout to provide residents, physicians and nurses the easiest collaboration. 

The new operating and observation rooms will feature:
  • 5 trauma bays
  • 60 private exam rooms
  • 3 quick-look rooms
  • 2 minor-resuscitation rooms
  • CT and X-ray machines
  • 40 observation rooms
  • 4 operating rooms

Banner University Medical Center's emergency department will be located on the south side of the campus near 12th Street and McDowell Road.