The City of Phoenix is taking action to recognize the gender pay gap and proclaiming Tuesday as Equal Pay Day.
April 10 is significant as organizers say that's how long women have had to continue working to match the amount of money men made by the end of last year.
According to the PEW Research Center, women are the bread-winners in 300,000 Arizona homes and 30% fall below the poverty level. Researchers estimate women bring home $7,000 less than their male counterparts, enough to pay for almost a year of child care, 48 weeks of groceries, and five months of mortgage and utilities payments.
Researchers say while differing industry, education levels and a lack of unions can be attributed for the pay disparities 38 percent have no clear reason for the gap indicating bias and discrimination.
Several speakers will address the issue outside Phoenix City Hall at 8:30 a.m. and suggest changes that could help including protections to challenge a pay gap, minimum wage increases and better support benefits like family medical leave.