

Show Low man sentenced for food stamp fraud


Earlier this month, a Show Low man pleaded guilty to felonies involving fraud and unlawful use of food stamps after he was arrested during a multi-department investigation.

According to the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Jason Banta will serve three years of intensive probation and pay restitution and court costs. Prior to his probation sentencing, Banta also served four months in jail. 

Banta will be unable to apply for food stamps in the future, DES says. 

"Theft of food stamp benefits is a crime," Director Tim Jeffries said in a media release. "As stewards of taxpayer funds, we will not allow people who steal from the needy to simply walk away."

Unlawful use of food stamps resulted in a class 6 felony in this case.

If you know someone who is abusing food stamps or other public assistance programs and benefits, contact 1-800-251-2436 or 602-542-9449.