New video reveals the officer’s perspective after pulling a man over on suspicion of DUI after he was spotted driving around on four flat tires in Scottsdale.
The video shows 24-year-old Tristen Anagal challenge the officers repeatedly as he is told more than a dozen times to get on the ground on Via Linda, near Mountain View Road.
“Let’s square up bruh, let’s square up,” Anagal said as he assumed a fighting stance directed toward one of several officers, even as multiple target lasers from the officer’s Taser gun are seen on his stomach.
The video goes on to show one of the officers pull out a baton and then another shocking Anagal with a Taser gun, but it didn’t stick so he ran off.
Several officers tackled Anagal to the ground and shocked him in the leg until they could get handcuffs on him.
When he couldn’t use his arms, Anagal spit at an officer twice. Police said he also punched an officer while he was trying to get the handcuffs on him.
He is also heard making threats in the video.
“I wish I had my gun on me. I'll kill you, your wife and your kids.” Anagal said.
Anagal was taken to jail where he was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, threats, DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, resisting arrest, driving on a suspended license and other charges. He also had an outstanding warrant for DUI out of Mesa.
The officers sustained minor injuries, but returned to work. It’s still not clear why his tires were flat and his car damaged.