

Maricopa principal to parents: 'Shame on you!'

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Students and parents held signs on Wednesday outside their school to protest after two administrators were reportedly and abruptly let go from their jobs.

The protest comes hours after students and teachers walked out of Sequoia Pathway Academy on Tuesday after news about the firings of interim principal Nate Lamma and interim assistance principal Diana Silvia began to spread.

According to parents, the superintendent held a meeting with both Lamma and Silvia and allegedly fired them or forced them to resign.

ABC15 tried to talk with Superintendent Doug Pike at the school's administration offices in Mesa, but he refused to answer questions before he walked into his office and shut the door.

ABC15 has made made multiple calls to his office and sent him emails, but he has yet to respond.

Maricopa police responded to the school to keep the peace and students and parents held signs and said chants asking that their school family be put back together.

Keith Greer, the school's new principal, came out and spoke to the students and parents and told them that he respected their right to protest and to be safe.

"We're not going to turn this around today. Obviously this has been a festering problem, it didn't just happen yesterday," he said.

As others started to voice their opinion, Greer's demeanor changed.

"Shame on you parents, shame on your parents," he said as emotions escalated.

Greer said school continued as normal as possible with some students missing. He said no teachers walked off the job or abandoned the kids Tuesday.

He said he has not received any formal resignations from teachers, but was told there may be one.

"Any time students are concerned, adults need to be concerned," he said. "I want them to know that other people care and I am one of those people."

In a letter sent home, which was provided to ABC15, district officials said they were "disappointed with events that occurred this week" and that they "seek the best educational experience for all students."

An informational meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday in the high school gym.