

What to watch for during the final presidential debate in Las Vegas

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The third and final presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump takes place tonight at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Here is what you should watch for: 

3. An immigration discussion? 

One of the lacking topics from the first two presidential debates has been how to deal with immigration reform. Clinton's campaign has dedicated more resources to our state, so it may be a topic of conversation during the last debate. 

Meanwhile, Trump outlined his immigration plan in Phoenix back in August

2. Clinton and WikiLeaks 

We can probably expect Trump to attack Clinton again over her campaign email leaks via WikiLeaks. The emails appear to show everything from her Wall Street script transcripts to the Justice Department talking to Clinton's people while they were investigating her emails

1. Sexual allegations 

To no one's surprise, allegations against Trump surfaced during the second debate, and Trump made headlines by bringing Bill Clinton's accusers to the event. Since then, numerous media outlets have continued to report on accounts from women who said Trump sexually assaulted them