The body of a missing 4-year-old boy was found in Mission Bay Sunday, a day after the child disappeared during a family outing and an Amber Alert was issued.
Wesley Hilaire was last seen walking along the water late Saturday in the area of 2800 E. Mission Bay Drive, police said.
His body was found just after 10 a.m. Sunday, about 120 yards off shore from the location where he was last seen.
Body of 4yr old #wesleyhilaire found in Mission Bay. Had been subject of #AmberAlert. Story on
— Jared Aarons (@10NewsAarons) September 13, 2015
According to the child's mother, Daniesha, the boy's father, Wesnel Hilaire, is currently stationed aboard the USS George Washington, which is en route to Japan.
Daniesha spoke with Wesnel Saturday night after Wesley was reported missing. The Navy has said they do not know when they will fly Wesnel back to San Diego.
Woman's Body Found During Search
While searching the waters off Point Loma for the missing boy, divers discovered a woman's body in kelp beds.
Sdlifeguard divers looking for a four year old who went missing Saturday night @10news.
— rett lawrence (@10newsRett) September 13, 2015