If you love bacon, then Hormel Foods has a treat for you: bacon-scented face masks.
To celebrate them launching its latest innovation, "Breathable Bacon," which is a "revolutionary face mask featuring the latest in pork-scented technology," the makers of Hormel Black Label Bacon are giving away free masks from now until Oct. 28.

"We're continually focused on innovation – from new products to marketing and distribution – all in an effort to deliver new and exciting ways to experience and enjoy Black Label Bacon," said Nick Schweitzer, Senior Brand Manager at Hormel Black Label Bacon in a press release. "In 2020, that means connecting everyone's favorite bacon scent to the year's 'it' accessory, and in doing so, bring Black Label Bacon closer to our fans."
To enter for your chance to win a mask, visit www.BreathableBacon.com. For each face cover requested, Hormel said it'll donate one meal to Feeding America.