Everyone's got an opinion. Especially during an election season.
WCPO television station in Cincinnati, Ohio decided to do a little experiment: The staff invited 12 Democrats, 12 Republicans and 12 third-party voters to answer "yes" or "no" on several politically-charged questions.
(Democrats dressed in blue. Republicans dressed in red. And third-party voters dressed in white.)
Would they agree on anything? Check out how similar (and different) these three groups are in the video above.
Here are the results:
QUESTION 1: Should Muslims face extra immigration hurdles?

QUESTION 2: Should the wealthiest Americans have their taxes increased?

QUESTION 3: Would Donald Trump make a good president?

QUESTION 4: Would Mike Pence have been a better Republican nominee?

QUESTION 5: Are you worried this election could be rigged?

QUESTION 6: Is climate change real?

QUESTION 7: Would Hillary Clinton make a good president?

QUESTION 8: Would Bernie Sanders have been a better Democratic nominee?

Video produced and edited by Maxim Alter.
Video shot by Phil Didion, Bruce Crippen and Emily Maxwell.
Special thanks to Anna Langlinais, Lisa Bernard-Kuhn, Meghan Wesley, Emmalee Reiser, Brian Niesz, Mike Canan, Mark Neikirk, Matthew Hackett, Northern Kentucky University and the Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement.