

Camera catches cops making jokes, calling burglary victim 'gay' after home ransacked

Officer was dancing, laughing at scene
Camera catches cops making jokes, calling burglary victim 'gay' after home ransacked
and last updated

A Washington man's home-security camera caught both cops and robbers doing things he's not happy about.

Clarence Williams's house was broken into on Aug. 8 when he was out of the country. A camera positioned outside his home filmed a suspect breaking the glass on his back door before walking in and later emerging with items including Williams's computer and clothing.

But it was video shot by the camera hidden in his living room that has Williams feeling even more violated, according to Washington's WRC-TV.

In the video, two police officers investigating the robbery seem to be making light of the situation and even making conjectures about the victim's sexuality behind his back.

"Armani, Dolce and Gabbana -- he's probably gay," one of the officers is heard saying when referring to some of Williams's clothing.

Later in the video, one female officer is seen dancing and laughing as Williams's belongings are strewn about the room.

Williams told WRC he was disappointed by the officers' conduct.

"We've got police out here, dancing in my home and acting as if this is a joke," he said. "And this is serious. This is my life."

He told the TV station he was also disappointed in how the officers handled their initial investigation into the burglary. Another security camera shows officers arriving at his home after an alarm triggered a call to police, but also shows them quickly leaving after knocking on the front door and getting no response.

It was apparently 8 hours before officers came back to the scene and properly investigated.

The officers involved were reprimanded by Washington's Metropolitan Police Department. A statement said, "Their behavior is not representative of the 'We are here to help' environment we work tirelessly to uphold on a daily basis for residents and visitors of D.C."

No arrests have been made in the burglary.