

PHOTO: Deputy prays with kids before shift


A heartwarming photo of a police deputy praying with his children is taking the Internet by storm.

Deputy Jordan Perkins of the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina was photographed in uniform on March 22, along with his children Miya, 3, Mason, 1, before starting his night shift.

"I think you'll find it's something that happens pretty regularly with that family before he goes to work," Captain Joel Shores told ABC News today. "We think it's wonderful because with all the negativity that’s going on in the nation right now with law enforcement, I think this picture shows that we‘re human just like everybody else. We are human. We have families and we have children that we have to come home to every day."

Kelsie Perkins, Deputy Perkins' wife, told ABC News that she snapped the photo of her husband and kids and sent it to the "Sheriff Deputies" community Facebook page. The group then shared it with its 20,000 followers.

"I think it's gotten 257,000 likes and about 57,000 shares," Kelsie said. "[My husband] is surprised that it's gotten so big."

"Miya prays for God to protect her dad and keep the bad men away and bring him home safely," she added. "Mason is still young and he tries his can hear him say 'Daddy, home safe.' I think that it was a just special moment with them sitting in his lap. Normally, I don't share a lot like that, but I it was a sweet moment."