It's all patched up now, but Michael in Phoenix says only a year after he bought it his couch was falling apart.
"My springs just completely buckled up," he says.
Cushions lifted, and a huge gap where there the base of the couch should have been.
But it was a few weeks out of warranty, so the military vet was stuck with a sinking sofa.
Until he let me know, and volunteer Lisa took on the case.
She did some digging, and found a company willing to take a look, family-owned Chair-A-Medic in Tempe.
Zac Crossan was assigned the repair and says it didn't take long to find the problem.
"Essentially the springs ripped it out of the back and pulled it into the center of the couch so it had no support under it," he said.
Zac says he and Michael took on the project together.
"We took the backboard stretched it back up, you know, and re-secured it in its place," he says.
At no charge to Michael.
"I mean it only took me about an hour, hour and a half," Zac says, "he even gave me two records--because I collect records--he gave me two records for free."
Manger Lisa Gordon says she thought it was the right thing to do.
"It feels good, he's a veteran. I have strong feelings about respect for my military," she says.
Michael says he couldn't believe their kindness. Thanks to the Chair-A-Medic for helping restore his furniture and his faith.