

Valley manager convicted of stealing rent money


She's a Valley property manager who pled guilty to stealing renter's money. Now, just a year after being convicted, she wants to pay less of it back to landlords.

Dawn Anderson pled guilty to fraud, forgery and theft, taking more than $367,000 in rent and security deposits and using some of it for vacations.

Last year, she was sentenced to six months in jail and ordered to pay a monthly restitution cost of $2,000. But Anderson has asked to pay $500 less a month.

Anderson, who said she has both a full-time and a part time job, told officials that she suffers from hand cramps and that she may have carpal tunnel. She said the injuries prevent her from working two jobs.

Mike Morris, who is a landlord owed money, said Anderson made a promise and needs to keep it.

"She should go to jail. Let her rest and relax until she's healed," he said.

Morris said he only gets $24 a month from Anderson.

Even at the current payback of $2,000 a month, it would take Anderson 14 years to pay back what she owes.

A hearing is scheduled on December 17.

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