

Top 3 scams, issues to know about this month

and last updated
Hundreds of people tell us about scams and consumer problems every month.
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This month, warranties, debt collectors and licensing top the list of scams you need to know about.
If you have A/C problems this summer, don't count on the repair people to let you know if you have an active warranty.
Before you spend thousands of dollars, find the serial number and the maker of your unit and use those numbers to look it up on the manufacturer's website.
If the product is registered to a previous owner, transfer it into your name or whatever its left of the warrant won't be any good.
We're also getting complaints about rogue debt collectors.
If you get a call, ask who is owed the debt, how to contact them, and how much is involved. 
By law they must let you know within a short period  of time in writing. If they don't or they threaten you, hang up.
And you can save yourself a lot of headaches if you know about licensing requirements before you hire someone.
If they should be licensed, check it.
If they don't need one, run an internet search for complaints against them.
Check out the latest scams we're seeing. Sign up for our monthly email newsletter by clicking here.
Need my help? Call the Assistance League of Phoenix volunteers at 1-855-323-1515. You can also send me an email or a video email where you attach a video explaining the problem.
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