Is your mailbox full of junk? There is something you can do about it.
Go to or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688)
This will stop many pre-approved credit and insurance offers.
BUT, they will ask for your Social Security number and birth date to identify you. The Federal Trade Commissionsays they keep the information confidential.
You can also contact the Direct Marketing Association to remove other forms of junk mail. It will stop most mail coming from their members.
But sometimes, it isn't junk you find in your mailbox. Some of you let me know you get products you didn't order and a bill that goes with them. Do you have to pay?
The FTC says no. You can keep any unsolicited mail as a free gift.
If the business continues to pursue payment, you could offer to return it. But only if they pay all shipping and handling costs.
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Need my help? Call the Assistance League of Phoenix volunteers at 1-855-323-1515. You can also send me an emailor a video email where you attach a video explaining the problem.
And you can reach me on Twitter, "like" the Let Joe Know Facebook page and tell me about it there.
AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you want to be a volunteer and help other consumers, let me know.