All of us want to feel safe in our homes.
But if you're a renter and the landlord won't take action to solve a problem you may feel stuck.
You have rights and you need to know how to use them.
-First you must let the landlord know about the problem in writing. Make sure to include the portion of the lease or state law that you believe they are violating. And spring for the extra cost registered mail with return receipt so can prove that they received it.
-The Arizona Landlord Tenant Act says if the problem is "materially affecting health and safety" the landlord has five days to fix it before you can terminate your lease.
- If the problem is not an immediate danger, you have to give the landlord ten days to make it right. Only after those 10 days have passed with no remedy, can you begin the process of terminating your lease.
-Extreme circumstances where water, electricity and other utilities not available tenants can withhold rent, but that requires giving notice to the landlord. Read state law about that here.
Be sure to take plenty of pictures, communicate in writing and document everything.
If the landlord fights it, you could still end up in court but with the right documentation and by following the rules, you can win.
Some cities can offer help if there are code enforcement issues or landlord is in violation of a local ordinance.
Need my help or want to volunteer to help others as part of the Assistance League of Phoenix team, call us at 855-323-1515, find me on Facebook or Twitter.
You can also send me a video of your problem to or sign up for our monthly newsletter here.