
AG sues DIY Neurocare over money-back guarantee

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Sandy Price lives with pain.

"You can't imagine the feeling of neuropathy unless you have it," she says.

She suffers from nerve pain to her hands and feet after rounds of chemotherapy.

"It's tingling, it's numbness, it's burning," she explains.

So when she received an invitation to learn about DIY Neurocare, Sandy says she had to check it out.

"I was desperate for relief...still am."

She says representatives from the company had potential customers come to a restaurant for dinner and an explanation of the product.

"The man that was doing the demonstration said that he had severe pain for years and he was no longer in pain whatsoever," Sandy says."It just sounded like a miracle cure for me."

Best of all it came with a 12 month money back guarantee.

"If this can actually work that's wonderful.  But if it doesn't work, well what do I have to lose? I get my money back. That, to me, was the selling point," she says.

Sandy spent the $4000 on equipment that she describes as looking "a little like mouse pad foam" with led lights imbedded.

"I was doing it two times a day for 20 minutes," she says.

But seven months later, Sandy says she saw no difference but could not get her money back.

"There was excuse after excuse," she says until finally, the company no longer picked up the phone.

Sandy's complaints mirror those in a lawsuit filed by the Arizona Attorney General's Office against DIY Neurocare and CEO Lyle Keith Day.

It accuses the company of :
-falsely promising that customers would receive money back
-telling customers who requested money back that Day was not the owner
-and failing to inform consumers about their 3 day right to cancel

The AG is asking a judge for restitution for customers.
We know Sandy isn't the only one, if you tried and failed to get your refund from DIY Neurocare file a complaint with the AG here