

PD: Woman attacks wheelchair bound ex-boyfriend and care giver at Mesa assisted living facility


A woman is accused of going to an assisted living facility to attack her wheelchair bound ex-boyfriend in Mesa.

Court records show that on August 1, a 30-year-old woman assaulted her ex-boyfriend and a care worker at an assisted living center, before assaulting officers who tried to arrest her.

Mesa police report that Nicole Michelle Joiner, went to an assisted living center near Country Club and University Drives in Mesa, even though the facility says they have repeatedly told her not to return there. 

She allegedly made her way into the room of her ex-boyfriend. who contacted a care worker who told Joiner to leave. Instead, she reportedly smacked her wheelchair bound ex-boyfriend in the face. She also assaulted the care worker before running from the facility.  

Police say they found her a few blocks away, where she allegedly flailed her arms, kicked and spit on officers. Joiner told officers that she was pregnant and suffering from seizures, a claimed denied when Joiner was evaluated by hospital staff.

Joiner has been charged with criminal trespassing, resisting arrest and multiple charges of assault and aggravated assault.
