

PD: Phoenix man arrested after forcing girlfriend to ingest deadly dose of meth

PD: Phoenix man arrested after forcing girlfriend to ingest deadly dose of meth

A Phoenix man has been charged with second-degree murder for allegedly forcing his girlfriend to swallow a deadly amount of methamphetamine.

Phoenix police report that on November 27 they arrested 43-year-old Brandon Scott Mayberry for a murder he committed in July of this year. 

Police say they went to a home near 51st Avenue and Beardsley Road, where they found Christina Nicole Ragsdale deceased. 

They interviewed Mayberry, Ragsdale's boyfriend, who reportedly told them that she fell in the shower and had overdosed on heroin. Mayberry told police he injected Ragsdale with "Narcan," a drug used to stop opiate overdoses, then left her, thinking she should "sleep it off." 

Mayberry reportedly returned the next day, checked on her and called 911. However, police say Mayberry was at her home for nearly five hours before calling for help. 

The medical examiner's report revealed that Ragsdale had "multiple injuries to her body not consistent with a fall or overdose," and had "fatal levels of meth in her system." 

In the home, police saw several holes in the walls and blood in different areas of the house. It also appeared that the carpets were recently cleaned. 

Witnesses reportedly told police that they saw the victim the day before, saying she had no injuries and was not ill. 

They arrested Mayberry on November 27, and he allegedly admitted to police that he placed meth down Ragsdale's throat. 

He has been charged with second-degree murder.