A machete-wielding man threatened employees at a north Phoenix donut shop after demanding free samples, police say.
Phoenix Police report that on November 11, a man later identified as 31-year-old Nikolas Read Nisted, entered a donut shop near 32nd Street and Cactus Road.
Employees say Nisted often comes into the store demanding free samples. Most workers just give him the samples because they are intimidated by his size and build.
However, on this night, an employee refused his request. Nisted reportedly started swearing and using derogatory comments to them, while pulling out a machete.
As Nisted waved the machete toward one employee, he allegedly said, "Do you know what I can do to you?"
He soon ran from the shop and was spotted by a police helicopter. Officers arrested Nisted, who was still in possession of the machete, just down the street.
He is being held without bond on charges of aggravated assault.