

Family asking public for help after woman found dead at Steele Indian School Park

Karrissa Hamilton, 29, was found in her car with a gunshot wound in February
Posted at 2:01 PM, Nov 08, 2023

PHOENIX — The family of a woman found dead in her car at Steele Indian School Park earlier this year is asking the public for help to find her killer.

29-year-old Karrissa Hamilton was found with a gunshot wound at the park in February.

You can watch the full press conference with Hamilton's family in the player above.

Sylvia Hamilton, Karrissa's mother, says she is still trying to come to terms with her daughter's murder.

"There's not one second of the day that I don't think about her. I really, really miss her... and they say that time heals. It's been nine months, and it seems to be getting worse every day," said Sylvia.

Karrissa was originally from Yuma. Her family said she moved to Phoenix last year with her three-year-old son, to provide him with more opportunities.

"Every decision she made was for her son," Patricia Brienza, Karrissa's aunt.

Karrissa's family said she had gone to Yuma for a baby shower. The next afternoon, she drove back to Phoenix. She was found later that night inside the car with the engine still running. Police do not believe anything was taken.

"We just don't understand how this could happen to her. She didn't mess with anyone. She was a perfect role model," said Brienza.

There is a $10,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in the case.

The family hopes one day they can provide Karrissa's son with answers.

If you have any information, you are asked to call Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS or 480-TESTIGO for Spanish speaking.