Sonoran Living Live host Susan Casper is so excited to bring you a series on the show called "Mommy Minute."
Each week, Susan will bring you quick, easy ways to make our hectic lives a little easier. These simple tips are coming straight from everyday moms and home makers just like you. So, if you have a great "Mommy Minute" idea to share please email Susan at
4 Foods To Boost Your Mood
Cacao: There's a reason we crave chocolate when we're not feeling our best, it's one of the highest
food sources of antioxidants and magnesium, and also contains iron, fiber, chromium and manganese.
It has been shown to help with cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, promote longevity, increase
libido and improve your mood.
Healthy Fats: I'm always talking up the benefits of healthy fats, in particular those loaded with
omega-3s, such as wild salmon, sardines and walnuts which have been proven effective in helping
improve depressive symptoms.
Greek Yogurt: Plain full fat Greek yogurt is packed with more calcium than you'll find in milk or regular
yogurt, and it can make you happy, too. Correct calcium levels give the "Go" command, alerting your
body to release feel-good neurotransmitters.
Asparagus : This vegetable is one of the top plant-based sources of tryptophan, which serves as a basis
for the creation of serotonin, one of the brain's primary mood-regulating neurotransmitters. It also
contains folic acid, a natural mood lightener. Dip fresh asparagus in plain Greek yogurt for a simple
mood boosting snack!
About Lindsay: Lindsay Hunt is a Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach in Scottsdale, AZ. She is
dedicated in helping people make healthy lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. You can
work with Lindsay from anywhere as she offers virtual health coaching programs. For more information
visit or follow her