2022 Halloween costumes: Check out Arizona kids costumes for trick-or-treating season

Wonder Woman and Spider Man!Megan Sue
Look at this duo!Jessica Silvas
Mia Winter dressed up as her dad (power plant operator)!Corie Goseyun
The Swanson family is ready for Halloween!Weston & Janae Swanson
Look at these cool kids!Lauren Frausto
Wonder Woman is ready for Halloween!Pily Guevara
Uh oh!Kristina Dandurand
Trick-or-treat?Natalia Lopez
Look at this costume!Pily Guevara
"It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus"Stacey Schutt
Look at this cutie!Natalia Lopez
Check this costume out!Toni McGinsky
Three's a party; here's Flo, Gecko from Geico and Jake from State Farm!Nicole Burns
A POWERFUL family!Alexis Schoen
Trick-or-treat?Megan Riseling
"The last airbender": Aang, Appa and Katara.Reba Joyce Hagen
These siblings are ready for spooky season!Teena Gutierrez
Ready to go trick-or-treating!Juanita Trejo
The cutest pumpkin in the patch!Christina May
Ready for some treats!Sandra Dooline
Look at this Minnie Mouse!Sandra Dooline
It's MARIO!Sarah Franco
Jensen as "Chicken Little!"Kylee Harris
Uh oh, check these costumes out!Michaela Hernandez
"Mr. Beast" is ready to go trick-or-treating!Michelle Donati-Grayman
Gaylynn Heyd
Naritha Deth
A "trophy" family, it is!Lynne Beaudreau
Jennifer Davis
The 'Addam's Family' is ready for spooky season!Stacey Schutt
Monkey, Kylie, and Banana, Ariana, are ready for Halloween!Julie Lopez
Super Girls, Arlene and Elizabeth are ready to beat evil and for some treats!Savanna Slinkard
Quinn Spencer as the commissioner from 'Blaseball' and Elliott Spencer as 'Delores' from Encanto!Alison Spencer
Michael Pittman
Here's Wyatt Colt’s 'scary rodeo clown' costume!Kaitlin Martell
Lance is going as a 'Naruto' character to trick-or-treat!Andrea Ellis
Andrea Ellis
Sally from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is ready for some treats!Arlene Renteria
Here's Mal from Descendants, Foxy from Five Nights at Freddy's and Alien Addison from Zombies 3!Sierra Bluett
Kristy Jozwiak
Yesnia Carrillo
The Navarro is ready for Halloween!Emilee Navarro
Check out the team!Azadeh Hamilton
Mother-daughter duo and their sidekick Sophie are ready for Halloween.Frank Sorrentino
Ryder, 8, from Phoenix is Dressed as Richie Tozier from It Chapter 1.Cheyenne Norwood
Ali Mehlhorn
This is Jack, he's a hot dog, and also "just trying to find the guy who did this."Jeffrey Blackburn
Melissa Conklin
Anita Helt
Michelle Fierros
Melissa Conklin
Kianey Carter
What a cute pumpkin!Megan Riseling
Ali Mehlhorn
Michelle FierrosMichelle Fierros
Kianey Carter
Michael Pittman
Look, it's Super Saiyan Goku!Yesnia Carrillo
Melissa Conklin
Michelle Fierros
Yabba dabba doo! Ready to trick-or-treat.Emilee Navarro