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Recycle Your Bicycle: Your old bike can become a holiday miracle

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Once again this year, ABC15 has teamed up with Earnhardt Auto Centers to help the Recycle Your Bicycle campaign.

The program takes used bikes, fixes them up like new, and gives them free-of-charge to Arizona foster children in time for the holidays.

Nancy Lemberger has seen first hand how your generosity can mean the world to a child who needs a helping hand.

Nancy became a foster mom when her own kids grew up and moved out of the house.

She's taken care of 20 children in the past 18 years. One of those kids is Sammy.

Sammy became a permanent member of Nancy's family. But, he was still in foster care a few years ago when Nancy reached out to Recycle Your Bicycle.

She was overwhelmed by what happened next. 

"It was a huge room, of all these men and women from Boeing that took the day off during the week to put these bikes together for the foster and adoptive kids. It was just so nice that people do that stuff."

Sammy got his bike under the tree on Christmas morning and it opened up a whole new world for him.

"I was thinking about all the places I could go with it, to visit, not having to walk anymore, just being able to be free."

If you would like to spread that feeling to other foster and adoptive kids, there are three ways you can get involved.

  • You can drop off you old bike at any Earnhardt Auto Center.
  • You can donate money used to help fix up the bikes
  • You can volunteer to help do bike repairs

You can find details on how to do all three by clicking here.