ABC15 has teamed up with The Valley Toyota Dealers to help organizations around the Valley who are Helping Kids Go Places.
Youth on Track Cycling provides outdoor activities, mentoring and cycling instruction for kids.
For their efforts to Help Kids Go Places, Youth on Track Cycling has received a $500 VISA gift card courtesy of The Valley Toyota Dealers to help further their efforts in our community.
Here's more about Youth on Track Cycling from their website:
Youth On Track Cycling works with youth ages 3 to 18 using cycling in multiple forms.
Using BMX bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes and even motorized dirt bikes and a unicycle or two from time to time. These cycling tools have attracted youth of all ages and socioeconomic status to our unique program and enable quality interactions with mentoring adults.
The various forms of cycling attract various type of youth but the goals and outcomes are the same.
Every activity has the same goal. To mentor the young in a positive way fostering their self-esteem and helping them grow to be a responsible self respecting young adult capable of loving themselves and others
and contributing to their communities in a positive way.
To get involved visit: