APACHE JUNCTION, AZ — Off in the distance, east of the Valley, you can see the iconic mountain range, the Superstitions. This massive plot of land is known as Superstition Vistas, a master-planned community in Apache Junction.
Bryant Powell, Apache Junction City Manager, showed ABC15 where Superstition Vistas is being built, just south of Elliot Road, bordered to the west by Meridian Road, to the east by Idaho Road, and then to the south by Ray Road.
About 11,000 homes will eventually be built in the area. So will retail, schools, parks, and public safety facilities.
A big part of the plan is making sure there is enough water to supply the new community.
“We have to have, through Arizona State law, an assured water supply,” said Powell.
Powell says they have secured water for Superstition Vistas, but only for four square miles. “I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that this is the beginning of uncontrolled growth."
The city recently annexed eight square miles, which is in the dark orange, but only four square miles, in the light orange, will be developed for now and it will take 10 years to develop that first portion.

When people talk about Superstition Vistas and see the construction, Powell says they often think all outlined 275 square miles are suddenly being developed.
“So, at that point, you're getting into real concern of long-term water,” said Powell. “We're at the point where we can manage the first four square miles and we will now go out and work on figuring out with our partners at CAP and also the Salt River Project on other water supplies.”
When the first portion of Superstition Vistas is fully developed it will double the city's population. The city estimates over 10 years the population will go from about 38,000 to nearly 70,000.
Officials estimate it'll take another 10 years to develop the other four square miles.
“Where our rules related to groundwater and our rules related to how we can utilize is much more connected to Queen Creek and Mesa, so we have the ability to as long as we have that assured water supply which the state requires, it allows for us to develop a little bit easier,” Powell added.
If the project stays on track, the city expects the first home to be constructed next year.