
Bowl all summer for less than $.50 per game


School is out for some as early as today -- welcome to summer vacation!

So how will you keep the kids entertained?

How about bowling?

AMF and Brunswick Bowling have a Summer Games program that keeps the whole family entertained, cool and all for a great price.

Register your kids (ages 15 and under) for the Summer Games and let them enjoy 3 games every weekday, all summer long for $26.95 and this includes shoes!

For anyone over 15, the price is $31.95.

Shoe rental would normally cost $4.19 and regular cost during the day is $3.89 per game and $4.69 per game at night.

You can use your Summer Games passes weekdays from open until 8 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from open to 4 p.m.

Registration has already begun but the Summer Games program start date is May 23, 2016.

You can register online or at your chosen location.  Whatever location you choose is the location for the entire summer.  You can’t use it at other locations.  You will get a card, like a rewards card, and they scan that every time you go.

So that’s a smoking deal… three games every single day of the summer for a phenomenal price.