
Keep your pool clear step by step


Your pool may look clear now.

But with triple digits here, it could get very cloud very soon.

The key is starting increased maintenance now and keeping ahead of issues.

It's much better than trying to solve them later.

Buddy Andrews with Blue Water Pool Chemicalcompany says your pool needs constant attention during the summer.

Related: 5 quick tips to keep your pool blue this summer.


He says your vacuum should be running enough to filter all of the water in your pool twice every day.

That typically takes between 12 and 14 hours each day.

He suggests running your vacuum from 9pm to 9am.

Also, pool floaters should be filled with 2-4 chlorine tablets at all times.

And if you have a large pool, you may need 2 floaters.

Andrews says you must check your chemicals at least weekly.

You can buy a kit in stores. He prefers using drops over strips.

Or you can hire a service!

We spent 20 minutes talking with Buddy. All of his advice is on the Let Joe Know Facebook page.